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Book cover of Rails West - A Collectors Album of a Vanishing Era in Railroadiana by ABDILL, George B.

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ABDILL, George B.

Rails West - A Collectors Album of a Vanishing Era in Railroadiana

Collection of historic early photographs with detailed captions.

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Book cover of Rails West - A Collectors Album of a Vanishing Era in Railroadiana by ABDILL, George B.

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Contents Condition: Fine
Cover Condition: Fine
Condition terms defined
Format: Hardback
ISBN: ---
Pages: 191
Cover Type: Dust Wrapper
Publisher: Bonanza, New York
Language: English
Edition: First reprint
Size: Quarto (4to)
See related books:

Railway - North America / Steam Locomotives / Early Locomotives
Railway - North America / US Regional & Pacific / West & Pacific