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BLAKE, J.H. (ed.)
The Royal Aero Club Gazette Diamond Jubilee Year Book 1901 - 1961
COOPER, H.J. (ed.)
The Royal Aero Club Gazette Special Golden Jubilee Number 1901 - 1951
MARRIOTT, Leo (ed.)
Aircraft Illustrated Civil Aviation Review
Second Year of Issue
Royal Aeronautical Society
Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Centenary Journal - January 1966
Volume 70 - Number 661
Special centenary edition. Numerous illustrated articles, including those relating to the Society's history.
TAYLOR, Michael J.H. (ed.)
Brassey's World Aircraft & Systems Directory 1999 / 2000
A very substantial work providing techinical data on world-wide aircraft at the time of publication, with drawings, diagrams and photographs. This is the second publication, the first edition of this highly detailed work was produced for 1996/1997.
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