World War One
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FRANKS, Norman, GIBLIN, Hal & McCRERY, Nigel
Under the Guns of the Red Baron - The Complete Record of Von Richthofen's Victories and Victims
FRANKS, Norman; BAILEY, Frank & DUIVEN, Rick
The Jasta War Chronology - A Complete Listing of Claims and Losses, August 1916 - November 1919
FRANKS, Norman; BAILEY, Frank & DUIVEN, Rick
Casualties of the German Air Service 1914 - 1920
As complete a list as possible arranged alphabetically and chronologically
Glendining's London
Orders, Decorations and Medals - 16 November, 1994
Sale including the "Balkenkreuz" from Baron von Richthofen's Fokker triplane DRI 425/17.
NOWARRA, H.J. & BROWN, Kimbrough S.
von Richthofen and the Flying Circus
Harleyford Series
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