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Book cover of The Railways of Calgary by BAIN, Donald; MATTHEWS, Ray & FRANCHUK, Kevin

for illustration only

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The Railways of Calgary

Volumes One to Three

Three volumes on the railways of Calgary from 1883 to 1999. Issued by The British Railway Modellers of North America as part of their collection on Canadian railways. Each volume is landscape format with fine full page photographs, detailed descriptions and maps.

Volume One: The Early Years - 1883 to 1930;
Volume Two: The Later Years of Steam;
Volume Three: The Diesel Era - 1950 to 1999.

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Book cover of The Railways of Calgary by BAIN, Donald; MATTHEWS, Ray & FRANCHUK, Kevin

for illustration only

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Contents Condition: Fine
Cover Condition: Fine
Condition terms defined
Format: Softback
ISBN: ---
Pages: 123
Cover Type: Card Boards
Publisher: The British Railway Modellers of North America
Year: 1999
Language: English
Edition: Firsts
See related books:

Railway - North America / Companies / Canadian Pacific
Railway - North America / Companies / Canadian National
Railway - North America / Canada & Atlantic / Prairies and Northern Region