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Book cover of A Way to the West - A Canadian Railway Legend by BELL, Allan

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BELL, Allan

A Way to the West - A Canadian Railway Legend

History and operations of the Canada Atlantic Railway which operated in Ontario, Quebec and Vermont between 1879 and 1914, eventually being merged into CN in 1923.

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Book cover of A Way to the West - A Canadian Railway Legend by BELL, Allan

for illustration only

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Contents Condition: Fine
Cover Condition: Fine
Condition terms defined
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 0969491409
Pages: 188
Cover Type: Dust Wrapper
Publisher: author
Year: 1991
Language: English
Edition: First
Size: Quarto (4to)
See related books:

Railway - North America / Companies / Canadian National
Railway - North America / Canada & Atlantic / Ontario Region
Railway - North America / Canada & Atlantic / Atlantic Region & Atlantic