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Book cover of A brief description of the Forth Bridge by British Railways Scottish Region

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British Railways Scottish Region

A brief description of the Forth Bridge

BR 35028/1

Card description of the bridge, including technical details, diagram and photograph. Undated, 1950s.

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Book cover of A brief description of the Forth Bridge by British Railways Scottish Region

for illustration only

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Contents Condition: Fine
Cover Condition: Very Good
Condition terms defined
Format: Foldout
ISBN: ---
Pages: 0
Cover Type: Card Boards
Publisher: British Railways
Year: ---
Language: English
Edition: First
Size: Octavo (8vo)
See related books:

Railway - Great Britain & Ireland / Regional / Scotland
Railway - Great Britain & Ireland / Infrastructure / Bridges & Viaducts
Railway - Great Britain & Ireland / British Railways / BR Scottish Region
Railway - Great Britain & Ireland / Rules, Guides & Ephemera / British Railways