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Book cover of Marc Seguin 1786 - 1875  by Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers Musee National Des Techniques

for illustration only

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Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers Musee National Des Techniques

Marc Seguin 1786 - 1875

Des Ponts Suspendus aux Premiers Chemins de Fer

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Book cover of Marc Seguin 1786 - 1875  by Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers Musee National Des Techniques

for illustration only

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Contents Condition: Very Good
Cover Condition: Very Good
Condition terms defined
Format: Softback
ISBN: ---
Pages: 32
Cover Type: Paper Boards
Publisher: Musée National des Techniques
Year: 1987
Language: French
Edition: First
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Railway - Continental Europe / France / Locomotives
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