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Book cover of Benelux - Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg Railways  by HAYDOCK, David

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Benelux - Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg Railways

Motive Power Recognition: 7

One of a series of small format books describing motive power detail and providing numerous identification photographs. Seven volumes were produced in the 1980s covering UK and European stock - search using "Motive Power Recognition" for other volumes.

1 - Locomotives;
2 - EMUs;
3 - DMUs;
4 - London Transport Railways and PTE Systems;
5 - SNCF French Railways;
6 - BR Depots;
7 - Benelux - Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg Railways.

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Book cover of Benelux - Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg Railways  by HAYDOCK, David

for illustration only

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Contents Condition: Fine
Cover Condition: Fine
Condition terms defined
Format: Softback
ISBN: 0711017956
Pages: 128
Cover Type: Laminated
Publisher: Ian Allan
Year: 1988
Language: English
Edition: First
See related books:

Railway - Continental Europe / Netherlands / Locomotives
Railway - Continental Europe / Belgium / Locomotives