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Book cover of Why you can haul at least 30% more per ton of locomotive with the modern Heisler by Heisler Locomotive Works

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Heisler Locomotive Works

Why you can haul at least 30% more per ton of locomotive with the modern Heisler

Well illustrated company publication from the 1920's showing Heisler locomotives working in different industrial applications. Data and photographs throughout.

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Book cover of Why you can haul at least 30% more per ton of locomotive with the modern Heisler by Heisler Locomotive Works

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Contents Condition: Fine
Cover Condition: Very Good
Condition terms defined
Format: Softback
ISBN: ---
Pages: 32
Cover Type: Card Boards
Publisher: Timber Times
Year: 1995
Language: English
Edition: First reprint
Size: Quarto (4to)
See related books:

Railway - North America / Steam Locomotives / Manufacturers
Railway - North America / Narrow Gauge, Short Line & Industry / Industry