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Book cover of La vie du Rail 1960 - 1990 by La vie du Rail

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La vie du Rail

La vie du Rail 1960 - 1990

Eight hardbound volumes of around 150 sequentially incomplete issues between 1960 and 1990; small number of 1960s issues, mainly 1970s. The non-rail pages (TV, food, games, etc.) have been excluded; included are various special supplements. Picture illustrates three of the eight uniform volumes.

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Book cover of La vie du Rail 1960 - 1990 by La vie du Rail

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Contents Condition: Fine
Cover Condition: Fine
Condition terms defined
Format: Hardback
ISBN: ---
Pages: 0
Cover Type: Cloth Boards
Publisher: La Vie du Rail
Year: ---
Language: French
Edition: Firsts
Size: Quarto (4to)
See related books:

Railway - Continental Europe / France / Magazines, Annuals & Yearbooks