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Book cover of Two-Foot Gauge Survivors - A tour of historic 60cm passenger railways of the English speaking world by MITCHELL, Vic

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Two-Foot Gauge Survivors - A tour of historic 60cm passenger railways of the English speaking world

Narrow Gauge Branch Lines

A review of 2ft narrow gauge lines in Wales, India and South Africa. Photographs, maps and gradient profiles with extended captions throughout.

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Book cover of Two-Foot Gauge Survivors - A tour of historic 60cm passenger railways of the English speaking world by MITCHELL, Vic

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Contents Condition: Fine
Cover Condition: Fine
Condition terms defined
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 1901706214
Pages: 96
Cover Type: Laminated
Publisher: Middleton Press
Year: 1998
Language: English
Edition: First
See related books:

Railway - Great Britain & Ireland / Narrow Gauge, Light & Miniature / General
Railway - Great Britain & Ireland / Narrow Gauge, Light & Miniature / Wales
Railway - Worldwide / India, Pakistan & Sri Lanka / Narrow Gauge
Railway - Worldwide / Africa / South Africa
Railway - Worldwide / Worldwide / Narrow Gauge
Railway - Worldwide / Africa / Narrow Gauge