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Locomotives of the Private Railways of Denmark  by BAY, William

BAY, William

Locomotives of the Private Railways of Denmark

[Oakwood Series X9]

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Odin og Roeskilde - samt andre damplokomotiver og motormateriellet inden for Dansk Statsbaner gennem tiderne by CHRISTENSEN, Hedegaard (ed.)

CHRISTENSEN, Hedegaard (ed.)

Odin og Roeskilde - samt andre damplokomotiver og motormateriellet inden for Dansk Statsbaner gennem tiderne

Fine and well reproduced photographs of Danish locomotives from the 1850s to the 1950s.

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Danske lokomotiver og motorvogne 1985-01-01 by LAURITSEN, Tom


Danske lokomotiver og motorvogne 1985-01-01

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Danske lokomotiver og motorvogne 1997 by LAURITSEN, Tom


Danske lokomotiver og motorvogne 1997

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Nordens Järnvägar 1978 by NILSSON, Lennart; STENVALL, Frank & PÖLHÖ, Eljas (eds.)

NILSSON, Lennart; STENVALL, Frank & PÖLHÖ, Eljas (eds.)

Nordens Järnvägar 1978

Annual photographic review of Scandinavian railways, covering main, private and industrial lines. Motive power summary for each country and detailed captions in Swedish and English.

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Nordens Järnvägar 1976 by NILSSON, Lennart; STENVALL, Frank & PÖLHÖ, Eljas (eds.)

NILSSON, Lennart; STENVALL, Frank & PÖLHÖ, Eljas (eds.)

Nordens Järnvägar 1976

Annual photographic review of Scandinavian railways, covering main, private and industrial lines. Motive power summary for each country and detailed captions in Swedish and English.

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Nordens Järnvägar 1979 by NILSSON, Lennart; STENVALL, Frank & PÖLHÖ, Eljas (eds.)

NILSSON, Lennart; STENVALL, Frank & PÖLHÖ, Eljas (eds.)

Nordens Järnvägar 1979

Annual photographic review of Scandinavian railways, covering main, private and industrial lines. Motive power summary for each country and detailed captions in Swedish and English.

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Nordens Järnvägar 1977 by NILSSON, Lennart; STENVALL, Frank & PÖLHÖ, Eljas (eds.)

NILSSON, Lennart; STENVALL, Frank & PÖLHÖ, Eljas (eds.)

Nordens Järnvägar 1977

Annual photographic review of Scandinavian railways, covering main, private and industrial lines. Motive power summary for each country and detailed captions in Swedish and English.

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Nordens Järnvägar 1980 by NILSSON, Lennart; STENVALL, Frank & PÖLHÖ, Eljas (eds.)

NILSSON, Lennart; STENVALL, Frank & PÖLHÖ, Eljas (eds.)

Nordens Järnvägar 1980

Annual photographic review of Scandinavian railways, covering main, private and industrial lines. Motive power summary for each country and detailed captions in Swedish and English.

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Nordens Järnvägar 1985 by NILSSON, Lennart; STENVALL, Frank & SCOTSON, Allan (eds.)

NILSSON, Lennart; STENVALL, Frank & SCOTSON, Allan (eds.)

Nordens Järnvägar 1985

Annual photographic review of Scandinavian railways, covering main, private and industrial lines. Motive power summary for each country and detailed captions in Swedish and English.

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