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BAUER, Zdenek; KOCOUREK, Jaroslav; PETR, Miroslav; REPKA, Ondrej; SKALA, Bohumil & ZEITHAMMER, Karel
Parní Symfonie
Collection of Czech steam photographs taken during the 1960s and 1970s. Caption references identify locomotive, place and date; resume to rear in Russian, German, English and French.
BEK, Jindrch & KVARDA, Karel
Atlas Lokomotiv 1 - Parni trakce
Review of Czech and Slovak steam locomotives with numerous photographs, diagrams and details.
BITTNER, Jaromir; KRENEK, Jaroslav; SKÁLA, Bohumil & ŠRÁMEK, Milan
Czech & Slovak Locomotives
The Steam Locomotives of Eastern Europe
Locomotive Studies
Review of steam locomotives operating in eastern European in the 1960s. Illustrations and class details throughout, coverage includes Austria, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Jugoslavia, East Germany and Baltic states.
Dampf über Europa Ost - Die letzten Dampflokomotiven im Regeldienst und vor Sonderzügen
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