Mountain Rack Railways of Switzerland
Oakwood Portrait Series PS9
A concise survey of Switzerland's rack railways, with a brief history of each of these fascinating and spectacular lines. Illustrated throughout with colour and black and white photographs.
BAUMANN-STUCKI, Dieter & BÜRKLE, J. Christoph (red.)
Neue Schweizer Bahnhöfe - Konzept für 600 Regionalstationen
Architect concepts and designs for new Swiss stations. Photographs, drawings and plans support text throughout.
BAUMGARTNER, Roland & WOERDEHOFF, Esther (red.)
Schweiz - Gotthard / Suisse - Gothard / Svizzera - Gottardo / Switzerland - Gotthard
Special issue of the Swiss tourist office magazine with illustrated articles devoted to the Gotthard.
BBC Brown Boveri
Die Prototyplokomotiven der Serie Re 6/6 der Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen
Railway Holiday in Switzerland
Railway Holiday Series No. 5
One of a series of informative and well written accounts of railway travels and operations in the early 1960s by leading authors. The series covered European countries and was published by David and Charles (search Railway Holiday for other volumes).