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BASTIN, Colin Henry
Dartmoor Steam Tramways - The Story of the Redlake and Lee Moor Dartmoor Tramways
CH Bastin Railway Booklet No. 9
BAYMAN, Bob; JOLLY, Stephen; PEARCE, Alan; HARDY, Brian & STANNARD, Colin
Docklands Light Railway Official handbook
The handbook of the railway published in numerous editions since the first in 1986. Provides details of the system and its operation; illustrated with maps, diagrams and photographs throughout.
BEDDALL, Matthew
The East Kent Light Railway
A history of the line in combination with the Kent coalfield
BOSTON, The Reverend E.R.
Font to Footplate [The illustrated story of the Rev. E. R. 'Teddy' Boston and the Cadeby Light Railway]
The story of 'Teddy' Boston and the Cadeby Light Railway he established in his Leicestershire rectory garden. Also includes chapters on the history of railway modelling and traction engines. Well illustrated throughout.
BOWN, Mark
The Burton and Ashby Light Railways 1906 - 1927 on old picture postcards
BOYD, James I.C.
Don't stand up in the tunnel! - The story of the Downs Light Railway and its young engineers 1925 -2001
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