The Railways of England
Midland; Great Northern; M. S. & L. (Great Central); North Eastern; South Western; Great Western; Great Eastern; Brighton and South Coast; Chatham and Dover; South Eastern
First published in 1889 this work described historical aspects and operations of each of the main line companies of the time.
ADAMS, Gerald
Steaming Through Three Counties
A personal record of journeys and visits 1955 - 1966
Trainspotting Days
Photographic reminiscences of trainspotting, mainly in the 1950s and 1960s but also including some earlier and later images. Includes spotter portraits, lineside, stations and platform ends, sheds, open days and specials.
ADLEY, Robert
Covering My Tracks - Recollections of the end of steam
Reminiscences of the last years of steam and reflections on revisiting locations after twenty years in the late 1980s. Although largely UK, a chapter on a visit to Turkey is included. Supported by the authors' fine colour photographs throughout.