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BOND, Roland C.
A Lifetime with Locomotives
Autobiography of Roland Bond who held senior locomotive engineering posts in the LMS and became Chief Mechanical Engineer under British Railways.
BOOTH, Henry
Henry Booth - Inventor, Partner in the Rocket & Father of Railway Management
Mark Huish and the London & North Western Railway
A Study of Management
GRANT, Brian
Home and Distant
A 40-year career from apprentice fitter to BRB headquartes, 1952-93
HICK, Frank L.
That Was My Railway: From Ploughman's Kid to Railway Boss, 1922-1969
Autobiography of Frank Hick who served in the NER and LNER, rising to become head of the North Eastern Region of BR.
The Second Railway King: The Life and Times of Sir Edward Watkin 1819 - 1901
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