Titled & Special Trains
ALLEN, Cecil J.
Titled Trains of Great Britain
Descriptions of titled trains first published in 1946 and expanded with later editions. In 1946 this was the first Ian Allan hardback and featured 70 trains. The fifth edition of 1967 included over 130 trains and the sixth only reformatted this edition.
ALLEN, Cecil J.
Royal Trains
History and details of royal trains, including overseas and funeral trains, in the period from Victoria to the early 1950s. Published at the time of Queen Elizabeth's coronation and supported with photographs throughout, including carriage interiors.
ALLEN, Cecil J.
Famous Trains
Meccano Library No. 1
An account of titled trains published by Meccano in 1928. Includes photographs, routes and schedules. Thirteen chapters on trains covering each of the big four, including the Flying Scotsman; Cornish Riviera; Royal Scot; and Atlantic Coast Express.
ALLEN, Cecil J.
Titled Trains in Pictures
A Reprint of the Photographs from "Titled Trains of Great Britain"
AUSTIN, Stephen
From the Footplate: Atlantic Coast Express
From the Footplate Series
AUSTIN, Stephen
From the Footplate: Cambrian Coast Express
From the Footplate Series