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ab ELIS, Rhys
Railway Rights-of-Way - A Pathway Survey of Unused Lines or Passengers Once More
Aberdeen Public Library
World Railways - A Catalogue of Railway Exhibits Displayed at Airyhall Branch Library & Checklist of Books and Maps [1970]
Booklet prepared in connection with exhibition of world railways organised by Aberdeen Public Libraries in 1970. Includes separate catalogue of artefacts, documents, photographs, posters and drawings.
Through Great Central England - A railway journey by trackbed and train from Nottingham to London
The Railways of England
Midland; Great Northern; M. S. & L. (Great Central); North Eastern; South Western; Great Western; Great Eastern; Brighton and South Coast; Chatham and Dover; South Eastern
First published in 1889 this work described historical aspects and operations of each of the main line companies of the time.
ALLEN, Dr. Ian
Gleneagles to Glastonbury Steam in the Thirties
Album of photographs taken by the author across the country largely in the 1930 to 1935 period.
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