Mapping Britain's Lost Branch Lines
A Nostalgic Look at Britain's Branch Lines in Old Maps and Photographs
AWDRY, Christopher
Over the Summit - How Britain's railways crossed the high hills
Study of Britain's principal inclines in steam days, describing their history, construction and features. Text supported with photographs, maps and gradient profiles.
BAKER, Michael H.C.
Taking the Train - A tribute to Britain's greatest railway photographs
BAKER, Michael H.C.
Railways to the Coast - Britain's Seaside Lines Past and Present
BECK, Keith; ESSERY, Bob; RILEY, R.C. & HARRIS, Nigel
GWR, LNER, LMS & Southern Reflections
A Collection of Photographs from the BBC Hulton Picture Library
Four uniform volumes covering each of the Big Four. Very fine photographs with detailed captions and explanatory text, covering multiple aspects of the railway. Images are mainly from the late ninteenth century to the 1930's.