Southern Railway
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Southern Railway
Standard Regulations for Train Signalling on Double and Single Lines, including signalling instructions, etc. to operate on and from 2nd February 1930
LEIGH-BENNETT, E. P. & Southern Railway
Over the Points - A Quarterly Review of Matters Concerning the SR - March 1929 (no. 1) to Dec. 1932 (no. 16)
A bound copy of the first sixteen editions of the Southern Railway magazine, distributed to keep season ticket holders informed of it's progress and improvements. Issues were produced with plain coloured covers and text drawings.
Southern Railway
General and Central-Eastern Appendices to the Working Time Tables, 26th March 1934 until further notice
Southern Railway
Machinery of Negotiation for Railway Staff
General Circular No. 142
Walking at Week-Ends [1935]
Southern Railway book of fourteen walks in the south east, published in 1935.
Let's Get Out Here - Being an account of twenty-six walks from points on the route of the Atlantic Coast Express [1937]
Southern Railway
The Passing Scene
An account of what is seen from the train on the route from London to Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight
DARWIN, Bernard
War on the Line - The Story of the Southern Railway in War-Time
The wartime history of the Southern Railway published by the railway in 1946. Narrative supported by photographs, colour plates and rear foldout system map.
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