Railway - North America
We currently have 3159 items is this category.
ALLEN, Geoffrey Freeman
The World's Fastest Trains / The Fastest Trains in the World
From the Age of Steam to the TGV
AMBROSE, Stephen E.
Nothing Like it in the World: The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad 1863 - 1869
American Transit Association
Proceedings of the American Electric Railway Engineering Association 1932 / Proceedings of the American Transit Engineering Association 1933
A combined binding of the proceedings from the two Transit Associations. Substantial volume including fold-out diagrams.
Americana Review
Locomotive Advertising in America 1850 - 1900
Facsimile reprints of early illustrated advertisments for locomotives, cars, machinery and railroad equipment.
Amtrak, various authors
Amtrak - An American Story
The story of Amtrak, its history, operations and employees since inception in 1971. Photographs, largely in colour, maps and date throughout.
Canadian Pacific's Trans-Canada Limited (1919 - 1930)
Issued by The British Railway Modellers of North America as part of their collection on Canadian railways. Landscape format with fine full page photographs and detailed descriptions.