Multiple Aspects
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Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Description of the New Westward Transportation Yard at Cumberland, Maryland, September 6, 1990
Description of the new yard with centre pages track diagrams.
Outbound Trains in the Era before the Mergers
A collection of very fine photographs taken by the author across the US in the 1960s and 1970s.
CLARKE, Thomas Curtis & others
The American Railway - Its Construction, Development, Management and Appliances
History and operation of railroads first published at the end of the nineteenth century. Various authors contribute chapters on construction, locomotives and cars, management and railwaymen, travel and freight. Woodcut illustrations throughout.
Union Pacific Common Standard Drawings - Roadway Signs, Miscellaneous Signs & Structures
Union Pacific Common Standard Drawings - Volume 2
KALMBACH, A. C. (ed.)
The Model Railroader Cyclopedia 1938-39 - Railroad Equipment Prototype Plans
Track Compendium - Formation, Permanent Way, Maintenance, Economics
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