Magazines, Yearbooks & Series
American Transit Association
Proceedings of the American Electric Railway Engineering Association 1932 / Proceedings of the American Transit Engineering Association 1933
A combined binding of the proceedings from the two Transit Associations. Substantial volume including fold-out diagrams.
FARRELL, Jack W. (ed.)
Locomotive Quarterly - Winter 2005 / 2006
Volume XXIV - Number 2
WRIGHT, Roy V. (ed.)
Locos from Baldwin Logging Loco Cat 1913 & Locomotive Stoker Cat 1919
Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 44
WRIGHT, Roy V. (ed.)
Shays and Other Geared Locos from Catalogs and Cyclopedias
Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 34
WRIGHT, Roy V. (ed.)
Diesel Electric Locmotives 1925 - 1938
Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 20