Early Locomotives
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ABDILL, George B.
Rails West - A Collectors Album of a Vanishing Era in Railroadiana
Collection of historic early photographs with detailed captions.
ABDILL, George B.
Civil War Railroads - Pictorial story of the Iron Horse 1861 thru 1865
ABDILL, George B.
A Locomotive Engineer's Album - The Saga of Steam Engines in America
ABDILL, George B.
Pacific Slope Railroads from 1854 to 1900
Fine collection of early photographs from west coast railways in the nineteenth century.
Americana Review
Locomotive Advertising in America 1850 - 1900
Facsimile reprints of early illustrated advertisments for locomotives, cars, machinery and railroad equipment.
Early American Steam Locomotives - 1st Seven Decades 1830 - 1900
Landscape album of fine drawings and photographs of early locomotives from the 1830's onwards.
A History of Railway Locomotives down to the end of the year 1831
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