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AMIN, Mohamed; WILLETTS, Duncan & MATHESON, Alastair
Railway Across the Equator - The Story of the East African Line
ASHBY, Helen
The Sierra Leone Government Railway from creation to preservation
Narrow Gauge Album No. 4
South Africa Two-Foot Gauge featuring the last Garratts
Narrow Gauge Branch Lines
BLANCHART, Charles; de DEURWAERDER, Jacques; NEVE, Georges; ROBEYNS, Michel & van BOST, Pierre
Le Rail au Congo Belge
Tome 1 to 3
Detailed history of railways in the Belgian Congo, profusely illustrated throughout. In three substantial volumes:
1: 1890 - 1920;
2: 1920 - 1945;
3: 1945 - 1960.
Railways of North Africa - The Railway Systems of the Maghreb: Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Libya
Railway Histories of the World
BULKELEY, George V.O. & SMITH, Ernest J.
Transport Administration in Tropical Dependencies
Study of rail, road, marine and air operations in colonial administrations. The author was a member of the Executive Council in the British Colonial Service with extensive experience in Africa.
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