Rest of the World
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Hongkong Tramways - A History of Hongkong Tramways Limited
BADAWY, Emile D. & SARGENT, John (eds.)
Trams and Streetscapes - Metropolitan Melbourne 1950's - 1960's
Volumes One & Two
DEMERY, Leroy; FORTY, Ralph; DeGROOTE, Raymond & HIGGINS, J.Wally
Electric Railways of Japan: Interurbans - Tramways - Metros
Volumes One to Three
Three part work on light rail in Japan with histories, detailed maps and fleet list for each system.
Volume One - Toyko & North Japan; Volume Two - Central Japan;
Volume Three - Western Japan.
GILL, Fraser
Cape Trams - From Horse to Diesel
Commemorative centenary publication of The Cape Electric Tramways company covering history and operations of the road passenger transport company from horse to electric trams and buses. Illustrated throughout.
JONES, Colin
Watch for Trams
History of tramways in Australia with photographs and diagrams throughout.
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