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The Railways of England  by ACWORTH, W.M.
Author: ACWORTH, W.M. Prices start from: £25.00
Title: The Railways of England Variations Available: 1
Subtitle: Midland; Great Northern; M. S. & L. (Great Central); North Eastern; South Western; Great Western; Great Eastern; Brighton and South Coast; Chatham and Dover; South Eastern
Summary: First published in 1889 this work described historical aspects and operations of each of the main line companies of the time.
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The Railways of England  by ACWORTH, W.M.
Author: ACWORTH, W.M. Prices start from: £10.00
Title: The Railways of England Variations Available: 1
Subtitle: Midland; Great Northern; M. S. & L. (Great Central); North Eastern; South Western; Great Western; Great Eastern; Brighton and South Coast; Chatham and Dover; South Eastern
Summary: First published in 1889 this work described historical aspects and operations of each of the main line companies of the time.
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Picture Postcards Officially Issued by the Minor Scottish Railway Companies by ALSOP, John; HILTON, Brian & WRIGHT, Ian
Author: ALSOP, John; HILTON, Brian & WRIGHT, Ian Prices start from: £20.00
Title: Picture Postcards Officially Issued by the Minor Scottish Railway Companies Variations Available: 1
Subtitle: Railway 'Official' Postcard List No. 12
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Encyclopaedia of British Railway Companies by AWDRY, Christopher
Author: AWDRY, Christopher Prices start from: £8.00
Title: Encyclopaedia of British Railway Companies Variations Available: 3
Summary: Invaluable reference work listing all railway companies with brief details of their history. Four chapters deal with each Big Four group constituent and a final chapter covers independents and other companies. Includes time charts for amalgamations.
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An Illustrated History of the Stratford on Avon to Cheltenham Railway by BAKER, Audie
Author: BAKER, Audie Prices start from: £40.00
Title: An Illustrated History of the Stratford on Avon to Cheltenham Railway Variations Available: 1
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The Architecture and Infrastructure of Britain's Railways - Eastern and Southern England by BENNETT, Patrick
Author: BENNETT, Patrick Prices start from: £28.00
Title: The Architecture and Infrastructure of Britain's Railways - Eastern and Southern England Variations Available: 1
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The Gloucester & Cheltenham Railway and the Leckhampton Quarry Tramroads  by BICK, D. E.
Author: BICK, D. E. Prices start from: £15.00
Title: The Gloucester & Cheltenham Railway and the Leckhampton Quarry Tramroads Variations Available: 1
Subtitle: Locomotion Papers LP43
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The Story of the Nottingham Suburban Railway by BIRCH, David G.
Author: BIRCH, David G. Prices start from: £35.00
Title: The Story of the Nottingham Suburban Railway Variations Available: 1
Subtitle: Volumes One to Three
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Round the Works of Our Great Railways by BOWEN COOKE,  C. J.; JONES, Charles Henry; BRICKWELL, A. J.; WORSDELL, Wilson; PARKER, Alex P.; MALAN, A. H. & LOCKYER, A. E.
Author: BOWEN COOKE, C. J.; JONES, Charles Henry; BRICKWELL, A. J.; WORSDELL, Wilson; PARKER, Alex P.; MALAN, A. H. & LOCKYER, A. E. Prices start from: £35.00
Title: Round the Works of Our Great Railways Variations Available: 1
Summary: Late nineteenth century study of railway workshops with photographs and drawings throughout. Chapters, largely written by locomotive superintendents, cover LNWR, MR, GNR, NER, GER, GWR and North British.
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Our Railway History  by BUCKNALL, Rixon
Author: BUCKNALL, Rixon Prices start from: £4.00
Title: Our Railway History Variations Available: 6
Summary: History of major railway companies before grouping in 1923. First issued in three softback parts in 1944 and subsequently as a bound single volume. The first two cover English companies and the third Scotland.
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