Book cover of Union Pacific Railroad Passenger Cars: 1940 - 1949 / 1950 - 1964 by DAVIES, G. B.

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Union Pacific Railroad Passenger Cars: 1940 - 1949 / 1950 - 1964

Volumes One & Two

Two, privately published, fine detailed volumes covering UP cars. The first volume covering 1950 to 1964 and the second the earlier period from 1940 to 1949. Diagrams and detailed photographs throughout.

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Book cover of Union Pacific Railroad Passenger Cars: 1940 - 1949 / 1950 - 1964 by DAVIES, G. B.

for illustration only

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Contents Condition: Fine
Cover Condition: Very Good
Condition terms defined
Format: Ring-bound
ISBN: ---
Pages: 561
Cover Type: Card Boards
Publisher: author
Year: ---
Language: English
Edition: Firsts
Size: Quarto (4to)
See related books:

Railway - North America / Companies / Union Pacific
Railway - North America / Passenger & Freight Cars / Passenger