Classes 15 - 29
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DADY, Hugh
Rail Portfolios - The 24s and 25s
Rail Portfolios 8
Fine all colour photographs of the Class 24s and 25s taken from introduction to the 1980s. Well presented in landscape format with detailed captions. In a series of seventeen modern traction volumes (see separate listings under 'Rail Portfolios').
Department of the Environment
Railway Accident - Report on the Collision that occurred on 16th December 1971 at Lenton South Junction, Nottingham in the London Midland Region British Railways
Fatal head-on collision of a freight train hauled by Class 20s 8115 and 8142 with a parcels hauled by Class 25 7605. The extensive damage resulted in the withdrawal of 7605.
FOWLER, Andrew
The Deltics & Baby Deltics - A Tale of Success and Failure
Modern Traction Profiles
British Rail Fleet Survey - Production Diesel-Electrics Types 1-3
British Rail Fleet Survey 4
MARSDEN, Colin J. (ed.)
Modern Locomotives Illustrated 186 - The Class 14, Class 15, Class 16 and Class 17s
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